How to Apply: Do I Qualify?

How to Apply


To qualify for WIC, you must meet income guidelines (PDF) and be in any of the categories below:

  • A pregnant woman
  • A woman breastfeeding a baby under 1 year of age
  • A woman who had a baby or was pregnant in the past 6 months
  • A baby up to his or her first birthday
  • A child up to his or her fifth birthday

Not sure if you qualify?

You may qualify if you receive Medi-Cal, CalWORKs (TANF) or CalFresh (SNAP) benefits. Babies and children cared for by their fathers, other guardians, or foster parents are also eligible. Working families and migrant families are also welcome to apply. Use this assessment tool to see if you qualify for the WIC program in California.

¿Calificas para beneficios de WIC en California? Haz clic aquí para averiguar.