8 Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day with Your Kids

1. Extra Chocolate: Fondue or Fountain

“I’ll make a pot of chocolate fondue and have lots of things to dip in it: strawberries, graham crackers, marshmallows, bananas. When my kids were younger, I just melted chocolate chips in a bowl for each of them to dip in. We do a special family dinner, and I put their box of Valentine candy on their plate.” Jennifer M.

“We always have a chocolate fountain, everybody loves it.” Katerina A.

“Fondue at home!” Beth S.N.

2. Special Gifts

“For Valentine’s Day we give presents to each other. So anything you didn’t get for Christmas you can ask for for Valentine’s Day.” Jen H.

3. Cards and Compliments

“My daughters always enjoy card making, so we do some art for one another and tell each other why we think the other is special. While we eat chocolate, of course.” Alicia K.

4. Breakfast (In Bed)

“I always started the day with a Valentines themed breakfast; heart-shaped pancakes, strawberries, served on good china, and a Valentine’s card with messages about what I love about them. Begin the day with all the love!” Diane M-K.

*Hint: Find a recipe for Red Velvet Pancakes and other Valentine’s Day Breakfast suggestions at tulsakids.com/food!

5. Make It A Date

Growing up, we were always thrilled to go on “Daddy-Daughter Dates,” which typically involved a trip to Marble Slab Creamery or some other indulgent destination. Take your kid to their favorite restaurant, shop, or entertainment venue and just have fun together!

6. Heartfelt Storytime

There is no shortage of books about love. Purchase a new one (or two!) and have a special storytime with your child. Suggestions include “You Can Never Run Out of Love” by Helen Docherty, “The Invisible String” by Patrick Karst and “Day It Rained Hearts” by Felicia Bond.

7. Daily Dose of Love

Each day, from February 1-14, cut out a construction paper heart and put a “love note” on your child’s bedroom door telling them why you love them!

8. Share the Love

Do something nice for someone else as a family. Bake cookies for a neighbor (heart-shaped, of course!), offer to do yard work for a friend (spring will be here before you know it!) or call up a local children’s hospital, senior center or fire station to see how you can drop off homemade cards or donate other items.


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