11 Fascinating March Birthday Facts

If you happen to be a March baby, there is a lot to celebrate. While you probably already know that your zodiac sign is a Pisces or Aries, you may not be familiar with the rest of these interesting facts that we are sharing.

With March kicking off the beginning of spring, there is no surprise that babies born during this month typically look on the bright side of things. With weather getting warmer for birthday parties and Daylight Savings starting, this time of year sparks a lot of positivity and cheeriness after a long winter. Plus, March babies are not just celebrating their birthdays, they are also partaking in some major holidays during this month. St. Patrick’s Day, Easter (depending on the year) and International Women’s Day, to name a few, are some of the many big days to look forward to in March.

Aside from a month full of celebrations, some studies even show correlations between babies born in March and their health, career, sleep and more! For example, did you that 12.5% of CEOs were born in March? If you are curious to learn more about March birthdays, we listed out some interesting facts that you likely never heard of!


Their zodiac sign is either Pisces or Aries.

There are two signs that rule over March babies: Someone born in March is Pisces if they're born between March 1 and 20, and Aries from March 21 through April 19. Pisces are said to be "smart, creative and deeply intuitive," while Aries are said to be "passionate and independent."


The daffodil is the birth flower.

Since the daffodil (narcissus), is one of the first flowers of spring, it's often associated with rebirth, new beginnings and even prosperity. But be sure to be generous with them: Daffodils must be given in bunches — a lone daffodil is said to foretell misfortune.


March birthstones are aquamarine and bloodstone.

As its name suggests, Aquamarine is the color of the sea. Because of their association with crystal-clear water, they symbolize purity of spirit and soul, according to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Bloodstones are almost the opposite: They're dark green stones with flecks of red iron oxide (the "blood"). These are said to bring health and strength to the wearer, the GIA notes.


There are some pretty fun celebrations in March, too.

In addition to big holidays like St. Patrick's Day and (sometimes) Easter, March is the month for these observances: Women's History Month (all month), Celebrate Your Name Week (first full week), National Grammar Day (March 4), Pi Day (March 14, as in 3.14) and Make Up Your Own Holiday Day (March 26). You know, just in case you want to keep the party going all month.


They probably share a birthday with a celebrity.

If you're a March baby, you're in good company. There are tons of famous folks who blow out their birthday candles in the third month of the year, including Justin Bieber (March 1), Dr. Seuss (March 2), BTS's Suga (March 9, pictured), Albert Einstein (March 14), Mr. Rogers (March 20), Harry Houdini (March 24), and Mariah Carey (March 27). Fame could certainly be in any March child's future.


That's not the only way they soar.

According to research from the U.K.'s Office of National Statistics, kids born in March are statistically more likely to grow up to become pilots. You can start racking up those frequent-flyer miles now.


They look on the bright side.

Appropriate for someone with a spring birthday, people born in March have sunny temperaments. They score highly on what's called the hyperthymia scale, which means they possess a general optimism that helps them look past the bad. Unfortunately, that also leaves them vulnerable to depression if things don't actually work out.


Health prognosis looks good for March babies.

Look forward to some healthy years! Columbia University did a study that figured out certain birth months coincided with an increase in risks for certain diseases. The study concluded that not only are March babies not at an increased risk of respiratory, reproductive, cardiovascular or neurological illnesses, they were associated with decreased disease risk. Enjoy this news in good health, March babies!


They can climb to the top of the corporate ladder.

Researchers have found that kids born in March and April are more likely to become CEOs — in fact, one study of 375 companies found that 12.5% of CEOs were born in March. (June and July had the least— sorry, summer babes.) Being older than their classmates may be one of the reasons spring babies tend to do so well, The Wall Street Journal reports.


They stand taller than their peers.

A study out of Austria found babies born at the end of March tend to be taller than others — April babies were the tallest yet. Researchers believe it has to do with the amount of light-dependent melatonin women are exposed to during pregnancy.


Expect some late nights.

If you do party for all those March holidays, expect to be up into the wee hours: According to one sleep study, kids born in spring and summer stay up later than winter babies.


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