33 of the Best DIY Kid Halloween Costumes
Halloween is my favorite! Candy and DIY costumes… what is not to love? A few years ago, I accidentally made my baby 6 Halloween costumes. That’s how much I love making DIY costumes! Here’s a list of 33 cute DIY kid Halloween costumes to get everyone in the Halloween spirit!
Easy Cardboard Costumes for Kids
DIY Cardboard costumes are my favorite for a lot of reasons, one of those being the costume material is free! Put those Amazon boxes to good use and turn them into everything rom tractors to trains to chocolate chip cookies! Don’t miss this post for more DIY cardboard costumes.
1. LEGO Costume

2. Thread and needle
This Halloween costume is sew cute! Amy turned an old lampshade into the most adorable needle and thread you’ve ever seen! The “yarn” is old t-shirts cut into strips. See the full DIY needle and thread costume on C.R.A.F.T.

3. Raisin Box Costume
If you have a raisin lover on your hands, this DIY cardboard box costume is perfect! Best part? All you need is a box, paint, red bonnet and a basket! Oringially from Bear Rabbit Bear.
4. Chocolate chip cookie
If you need a last minute costume, this DIY chocolate chip cookie costume is easy! All you need is a cardboard box, pant, and black ribbon. Don’t forget the milk candy bag! Find the detailed DIY cookie costume tutorial at C.R.A.F.T.
Halloween Costumes for Toddlers
Any of the DIY costume ideas on this list could be made for toddlers, but the following ideas can only be used for toddlers because they utilize a diaper box. An older child can not fit in a diaper box, but you could certainly use a larger box to accommodate an older child.
5. Tractor
If you’re on the hunt for a toddler costume, this DIY tractor is a winner! Turn a diaper box into a tractor and add a little cowboy or cowgirl with a plaid top and denim pants. See the step by step for this easy cardboard box turned tractor costume at C.R.A.F.T.

6. Toddler train costume

DIY Food Costumes for Kids
The chocolate chip costume above doubles as a DIY food costume plus an easy cardboard costume for kids! This DIY food costume lists also includes a cheeseburger and my personal favorite, an organic carrot costume.
7. Cheeseburger
Who doesn’t love a cheeseburger? Check out the complete cheeseburger Halloween costume tutorial on C.R.A.F.T. Whip up a DIY french fry costume and a ketchup for a family trio.

8. Organic carrot

9. Candy Corn
Candy corn is typically a love it or hate it candy, but there is no denying that this DIY candy corn costume is adorable! Hop on over to Dukes & Duchess for this candy corn costume tutorial greatness.

10. Pineapple

11. Morton Salt Girl

12. Slurpees
Slurpees are always a good idea and how cute to be twin slurpees with your bestie? Get the DIY slurpee costume tutorial at Crap I’ve Made.

13. Colonel Sanders
Hollie turned her toddler into the cutest Colonel Sanders you’ve ever seen complete with an extra large bucket of fried chicken from Kentucky Fried Chicken.
DIY Animal costumes for kids
If you have your heart set on an animal DIY Halloween costume, don’t miss this list of 37 DIY animal costumes for kids and adults. Below are a few of my favorite DIY animal costumes.
14. DIY Flamingo costume
All you need for this adorable flamingo costume is a few pink boas and a sheet of pink felt.
15. Peacock
16. Bee and a bee keeper

17. Fish and Shark
Cut out a shark shape from cardboard and add arm straps for a DIY shark costume! Of course you’ll need a few fishy friends to trick or treat with you. More DIY shark costume details on C.R.A.F.T.
18. Panda

Handmade Movie & Book Costumes
19. DIY Troll Costume
How cute is this tiny Troll? All you need is a tan onesie, tan tights, and hair dye to turn any kiddo into a DIY troll!
20. Regina from Mean Girls
Miranda turned her cute kiddo into Regina from Mean Girls at the prom.
21. Wizard of Oz
Megan turned her adorable crew into Dorothy, Tin Man, Scarecrow and a Lion from Wizard of Oz.
22. DIY Wizard of Oz costumes
I love the addition of the cardboard yellow brick road costume and mom as wicked witch of the west in this DIY Wizard of Oz family costume.
23. Where’s Waldo

24. Willy Wonka costumes
Find all of the DIY Willy Wonka kid costumes details on C.R.A.F.T.
25. Bob Ross

26. Doug
My high school friend, Kim, turned her adorable son into Doug from the beloved 90’s cartoon on Nickelodeon. Side note: Can you believe that Doug premiered 28 years ago in 1991?
27. Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs

28. Dwight
I couldn’t love this Dwight costume more! My friend, Katie, of Sweet Rose Studio, turned her son into the best Dwight I’ve ever seen. All you need is a yellow button down shirt, striped tie, slacks, glasses, and you must part your hair down the middle!

29. Dumb and Dumber Costumes
Hollie made the Mutt Cutts van out of a giant stuffed teddy bear purchased from Costco. She wrapped a cozy coupe car in the fur form the teddy bear and secured with a hot glue gun. Impressive! She purchased the orange tuxedo from Amazon.
30. Little Mermaid
Aerial was my favorite Disney character as a child! Petit a Petit crafted this gorgeous mermaid skirt full of shimmer and layers of tulle semi circles.

31. Magic School Bus costumes
Ms. Frizzle and Liz lizard could not be cuter! Add a cardboard Magic School Bus cut out to a wagon for extra points.
32. Minecraft

33. DIY Flower costume
This is not exactly a video game, but it is the cutest little flower in the history of ever. This costume is perfect for a tot or an adult! All you need to make this flower costume is a green dress and colorful foam sheets!